We want our students to understand that they can use mathematics to understand global issues and make a difference in the world. Listed below are some big ideas that could be used to incorporate social justice in mathematics. Below each title are a list of helpful resources on the subject, including information on the topic as a whole as well as useful statistical data.
Environmental Racism in Nova Scotia
Video: In Whose Backyard – 30 minute documentary film on environmental racism in Nova Scotia. The film captures the voices of Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian community members who share their stories and struggles against environmental racism in their communities.
Website: The ENRICH Project on Environmental Racism – A collaborative community-based project investigating the cause and effects of toxic industries situated near Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities.
Newspaper Article: Chronicle Herald Weekend Focus: The Toxic Sites of Nova Scotia Racism – Article published in the Chronicle Herald April 25, 2015. “Dumps, landfills, settling ponds: Native and black communities live with more”.
Video + Article: Global News Report: Environmental Racism Plagues Low-Income and Minority Communities Across Nova Scotia – Video of NDP addressing the issue and an article including a brief overview of the issue.
Website: Ecojustice “Environmental Racism: The First Step is Recognizing We Have a Problem – An introduction to the issue of Environmental Racism. Ecojustice is Canada’s only national environmental law charity. The website includes issues from across Canada, including Nova Scotia.
The Mathematics of Food Security
Magazine Article: When $500 isn’t enough to buy groceries for a week – An overview and short videos on the accessibility and affordability of healthy food in Nunavut.
Report: Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge – The Minister of Health, on behalf of Health Canada, asked the Council of Canadian Academies to appoint an expert panel to assess the knowledge of the factors influencing food security in the Canadian North and of the health implications of food insecurity for northern Aboriginal populations. Findings are presented and also include useful links and videos.
Website: Food Secure Canada – Food Secure Canada is a pan-Canadian alliance of organizations and individuals working together to advance food security and food sovereignty. Valuable information on food security can be found throughout the website.
Statistical Data: Food Insecurity from Stats Canada – A collection of statistical data relating to food insecurity across Canada by province, source of income, number of children, household type.
Newspaper Article: Why Canada may be heading into a food security crisis – Article published in The Star, October 12, 2014 on food security that also includes a great deal of data on the subject.
Water Security
Newspaper Article: Bad Water: ‘Third World’ conditions on First Nations in Canada – A brief report on water quality in First Nations communities across Canada. Includes several graphs of information.
Statistical Data: Aboriginal Communities under Boil Water Orders – A current list of drinking water advisories in First Nations communities, including ‘Boil Water’, ‘Do Not Consume’, and ‘Do Not Use’ advisories.
UINR Report: Water Reports – Individual drinking water quality reports for Eskasoni, Membertou, Potlotek, Wagmatcook & We’koqma’q.
DVD: What Are We Drinking – Educational DVD from UINR, covers what safeguards are in place in Unama’ki Mi’kmaq communities–Eskasoni, Membertou, Potlotek, Wagmatcook, and Waycobah. Mi’kmaq scientists, technicians & Elders are interviewed by junior reporters in an informative news report format.
UINR Blog: Cool, Clean Water – Article discussing water quality in Mi’kmaq communities and the installation of ultraviolet light and micro filtration systems.
Climate Change
UINR Report: Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the Mi’kmaq Communities of the Bras d’Or Lakes – UINR contributes to an understanding and protection of the Bras d’Or Lakes’ ecosystem through research, monitoring, education, management, and by integrating Mi’kmaq and conventional ways of understanding, known as Two-Eyed Seeing. This report explores impacts of climate change on coastal communities.
UINR Blog: Chapel Island Mission and Climate Change – The importance of the island and plans of action with regards to climate change research.