Connecting Math to Our Lives and Communities (CMTOLC) runs in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian communities in Eastern Nova Scotia. It is a program designed to encourage youth to investigate the value of math in their lives.
What we do
In summer 2023 CMTOLC will hold weekly in-community camp days that will encourage youth to get outside and explore math. The program will run from July 1st to mid-August.
Some of our summer activities may include but not limited to the following:
- Building your own garden
- Tie Dye
- Scavenger hunt
- Making a Maze
- Learning how to tie knots
- Games such as Waltes, Shisima, and Mancala
- Stargazing
What Communities do we run in?
CMTOLC will be in community once a week starting July 3rd until August 11th.
- Paq’tnkek First Nation
- We’koqma’q First Nation
- Pictou Landing First Nation
- Antigonish – in partnership with the Black Educators Association.
Registration link
Follow the link to sign up and we will contact you with dates we are going to be in a community near you!
Contact Information
Supported by the John Jerome
Paul Chair in Research for Equity
in Mathematics Education